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Lay somebody off – phrasal verb

Lay somebody off

Significato Lay somebody off

Significa licenziare, essere messo da parte, essere in esubero.

Esempio Lay somebody off

#1:During the recession we had to lay off a lot of staff.
#2: Football player was laid off for three months becausean injury to his ankle.

Video che spiega la phrasal verb business

Lay off. As a noun: lay off is temporary or permanent discharge of a worker or workers.
For example: the workforce is on strike over lay offs. They’re on strike because people are being discharged there being there being let go.
Also is also a period during which someone as unable to take part in a sports or other activity to due to illness or injury.
So the football player was laid off for three months because of an injury to his like.
Now question: did you have to lay off anyone in the economic crisis?

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Pubblicato inPhrasal verbs