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It’s the thought that counts – idioma

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Significato It’s the thought that counts

Di solito è usato per i doni.
Non importa quanto poco costa un dono; ciò che conta è il sentimento o il pensiero che il donatore sta esprimento.

Esempio It’s the thought that counts

When people give you things that you don’t want, you must remember that it’s the thought that counts.

Video che spiega “It’s the thought that counts”

Christmas indium: it’s the thought that counts.
This idiom is used for saying that caring about someone is more important than the money you spend on them.
For example when someone buys you a Christmas present they are being kind and thinking about you which is more important than the amount of money they spend on you.
For example: Alex bought her cousin Maria a box of chocolate as a gift for Christmas this is not the biggest or most expensive gifts but Alex bought this box of chocolates because she knew that Maria would like and enjoy eating them.
Have you ever received a gift you didn’t like? Did you say you didn’t like it? Or why you just grateful for the gift because it’s a thought that counts.

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Published inIdiomi